Instantly Download Certificate Templates, Samples & Examples in Microsoft Word (DOC), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Adobe InDesign (INDD & IDML), Apple (MAC) Pages, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Illustrator (AI).

A set of gift certificate images for iTunes designed to fit in a CD jewel case. Free customizable iWork certificate templates for Mac Pages including gift and baptism certificates, generic certificates, and more. And with real-time collaboration, your team can work together from anywhere, whether they’re on Mac, iPad, iPhone, or using a PC. Pages is a powerful word processor that lets you create stunning documents, and comes included with most Apple devices. Or use a blank document and create your own design.

Start with an Apple-designed template to instantly create gorgeous reports, digital books, resumes, posters and more. Create gorgeous documents in minutes with the Pages for Mac word processor. Download Pages for macOS 10.15 or later and enjoy it on your Mac.